Alérgica (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc, foil and lacquer.
101 x 152 x 43 cm
Bronceada (2022)
Injected plastic foam, fabric,
pvc, foil, lacquered aluminum..
96 x 90 x 60 cm
Bronceada (2022)
Injected plastic foam, fabric,
pvc, foil, lacquered aluminum..
96 x 90 x 60 cm
Exigida (2022)
Injected plastic foam, fabric, pvc, foil,
photographic print and lacquered chair.
85 x 105 x 64 cm
Intrépida (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc, foil,
and lacquer.
86 x 185 x 41 cm
Intrépida (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc, foil,
and lacquer.
86 x 185 x 41 cm
Cruzada (2022)
Injected plastic foam, fabric, pvc, foil,
and lacquered chair.
70 x 125 x 67 cm
Insegura (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
airbrushed fabric, and lacquer.
101 x 152 x 43 cm
Insegura (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
airbrushed fabric, and lacquer.
101 x 152 x 43 cm
Maratónica (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc, foil,
and lacquer.
1 03 x 190 x 56 cm
Legal (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
airbrushed fabric
and lacquer.
103 x 190 x 56 cm
Legal (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
airbrushed fabric
and lacquer.
103 x 190 x 56 cm
Amarillo (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc and foil.
85 x 84 cm
Blanco (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc and foil.
96 x 90 cm
Blanco (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc and foil.
96 x 90 cm
Lima (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc and foil.
71 x 67 cm
Lánguida (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc, foil,
lacquer and wood.
65 x 65 x 150 cm
Lánguida (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc, foil,
lacquer and wood.
65 x 65 x 150 cm
Marrón (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc and foil.
63 x 70 x 37 cm
Oro (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc and foil.
73 x 77 cm
Oro (2022)
Injected plastic foam,
fabric, pvc and foil.
73 x 77 cm